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India in Crisis: The Fund Launches Campaign to Support Grassroots Response to COVID-19

This article was published more than 3 years ago.

This week, the Fund for Global Human Rights launched India in Crisis—an urgent new campaign to raise funds for frontline grassroots activists in India as they support vulnerable and marginalized communities through the country’s devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

“India is in state of deadly crisis right now,” said Fund CEO and President Regan Ralph. “Supporting a grassroots-led response is the best way to make sure that vulnerable and marginalized communities are not left behind.”

Some of India’s most marginalized communities have been excluded from state relief programs. In response, community-based groups are filling gaps in government services and ensuring aid is distributed equitably. To date, community-led groups supported by the Fund have helped more than 1 million people across 19 states secure the food, shelter, protective supplies, and aid they need to survive.

Now, as a deadly second wave ravages healthcare and other support systems, activists on the front lines need more support than ever.

The Fund is working closely with its local partners in India to ensure that life-saving aid reaches the country’s most marginalized people. Through the Fund’s India in Crisis campaign, every donation will go directly to activists on the ground, including:

  • The National Network of Sex Workers: Sex workers in India have few protections and little access to government relief. Members of the National Network of Sex Workers are distributing food rations and ensuring sex workers gain access to crucial assistance.
  • DISHA: A human rights organization based in Gujarat State, DISHA has helped more than 90,000 families—mostly from rural and remote areas—access crucial government benefits. DISHA’s assistance is especially critical for women. To date, they’ve helped tens of thousands of women receive direct cash payments.
  • Samarthan: Based in Maharashtra State, Samarthan is working to set up a rural COVID-19 care center for patients with early symptoms. Samarthan has also helped migrant tribal families recover thousands of dollars in stolen wages.
  • The Izad Foundation: Dalit communities are among India’s most marginalized populations. In Bihar, the Izad Foundation is providing emergency medical aid and COVID-19 supply kits to Dalit and Muslim district court advocates as well as impacted survivors of violence and discrimination.

Learn more and get involved at India in Crisis.
