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Climate Justice

Climate change is an
existential threat to humanity.

It’s also a leading cause of human rights violations. Around the world, corporate and corrupt interests are putting profits before people—or the planet.

The Fund supports visionary activists who are developing community-based solutions to environmental issues and building the foundations of a sustainable future.



since average temperatures on this planet were as high as they are now.



were displaced by floods, storms, or wildfires in 2020.



of environmental activists in 2019.

We believe in a future where the climate matters more than corporate or corrupt interests. Meet some of the brave environmental activists protecting our planet.

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two protesters outside a factory, protecting their climate

Ensuring corporate accountability

Corporate interests—along with corrupt governments—are destroying the planet through exploitative development projects. We help activists challenge them in court and in the streets.

indigenous man stands in front of nature, a protector of climate justice

Promoting land and resource rights

For centuries, governments have stolen Indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands and resources. We work with these communities to achieve self-determination through legal protections.

A female farmer stands with her plants. Sustainable farming fights climate change.

Developing sustainable practices

Over-cultivation and monoculture plantations are undermining food security and sovereignty. We support activists employing both new and traditional ways to feed their communities.

A family group of environmental activists stand with signs.

Protecting environmental activists

Violence against environmental activists is on the rise worldwide. We give frontline activists the tools, networks, and support they need to carry out their critical work in safety.

Thai environmental activists help a local to achieve climate justice in Thailand

Success Story

Holding Corporations Accountable

When villagers in rural Thailand began falling ill, they were devastated to discover the creek that sustained their livelihood was actually poisoning them. Nearly four decades later, the villagers took the company polluting their water to court—and won. Learn how local human rights group EnLAW helped secure this landmark victory for environmental justice.


Learn more about our climate justice work

enlaw climate activists work on climate justice in thailand

Do you want to save the planet?

Help activists develop innovative solutions to stop climate change.

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Or learn about more ways to get involved.

Do you want to save the planet?

Help activists develop innovative solutions to stop climate change.

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Or learn about more ways to get involved.
