Every child deserves a life free from harm, exploitation, and discrimination.
But around the world, young people—especially from marginalized or minority groups—are subjected to violence, conscripted as soldiers, and forced into work or marriage. When their human rights are violated, children have little access to justice.
The Fund offers community-based and youth-led groups the support they need to build their power and change the world.

How We Fight For Children’s And Youth Rights

Empower children’s agency and leadership
Children and young people should be involved in decisions that affect them. We offer funding and support to youth-led initiatives and emerging youth leaders, including through participatory grant-making.

Increase access to critical social services
No child should go to bed hungry or be unable to attend school. We help activists ensure that children have access to the quality services they need to thrive, including health and education.

End violence and discrimination against children and young people
Young people—especially girls and young women—face abuse, exploitation, and manipulation. We support activists who are tackling the root causes of violence and discrimination.

Reform punitive laws and systems
Dealing with the justice system can negatively impact children for the rest of their lives. We fund activists who push for laws and policies that help—rather than harm—young people.

Help young people build interconnected movements for children’s rights
Activists are stronger when they work together. We help foster coordination and collaboration between innovative youth activists and experienced adult-led organizations.

Success Story
Ensuring Access to Education During COVID-19
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to close, children around the world lost their access to education. According to UNICEF, 1.6 billion children worldwide were affected by school closures.
In Uganda, rural families were hit especially hard. Unable to afford or access the technology necessary to continue with remote learning, children were cut off from educational opportunities entirely. That’s when Fund grantees stepped in to help ensure that no student would be left behind.
Learn more about their work supporting students through the pandemic.
Learn more about our work empowering young people worldwide.

Do you support children’s rights?
Help us empower young people.
Or learn about more ways to get involved.