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From the Front Lines: Grantee Partner Survey 2023

In our 2023 Grantee Partner Survey report, nearly 300 frontline human rights activists and organizations share challenges, opportunities, and learnings from the last year.

Three years ago, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fund circulated a survey with our global grantee partner community for the first time. Much has changed since then, including the progress and challenges facing the human rights movement. It was time for fresh perspectives and feedback from the human rights activists supported by the Fund. 

From September to October 2023, the Fund invited grantee organizations to complete an online survey to document their experiences, strengths, and priorities. This report presents key findings from the 284 partner organizations that completed the survey.

Most of the findings reflect grantee experiences generally, including and beyond their relationship with the Fund. The final section includes feedback specifically about the Fund. 

For the 2023 survey, we sought to reduce barriers to participation by including fewer questions and more language options to complete the survey. For groups quoted in the report, we refer to a broad geographic region rather than a more specific location to respect respondent confidentiality and safety. We hope this transparency supports our collective efforts to advance human rights.

The report mirrors the key themes of the survey: internal and external organizational conditions, strategies to pursue human rights, contributions to change, and feedback for the Fund. Each section includes a main finding with supporting data and suggested discussion questions. 

So, what’s next? 

As one partner in the Americas suggested, “conversations instead of surveys.” We could not agree more with that sentiment. We invite our peers and allies in the human rights and philanthropy space to view this as the start of a dialogue: engage in conversations, reflect on our experiences, and share your own. 

To kick off the conversation, Alison Miranda, the Fund’s learning and assessment director, shares her reflections from the survey.

READ: Navigating Toward Hope: Learnings From Our 2023 Grantee Partner Survey
